365 Project

I am sure many of you have started a 365 project. I am sure many of you have finished a 365 project. I have not. I get into it in the beginning of the year...and I am good until around August. It's then that my business gets really busy. Senior photos and holiday photos and such.

My daughter inspired me to try it again. My goal is to keep up each week. Maybe not each day. I am doing a great job so far. Looking at my prompt in the morning, thinking about it during the day, and then coming home from work to capture it. Sometimes, I have gotten what I want in my mind and then I change it when I get home because I have seen something else that has sparked.
This is what I want this project to be though. To spark my creativity and make me think about things in different ways.

Anyway, here are my first 10/365.
I hope you enjoy them.

I am Here
This is our backyard at sunset in the winter. We don't get the greatest sunsets because we are up so high, but when the sun is so low in the sky and it makes this amazing scene, it is magical. The back field of our property is farmed with corn so we get these cool views of the corn stalks sticking out of the snow when they cut it down .