Bokeh, Yeah! How to get that blurry background on your camera AND your phone!

Bokeh with your CAMERA

If you are not off an Auto setting yet, you can put it on the portrait mode on your camera. Just look for the lady on a Cannon and Nikkon cameras. You can use this for more than just portraits. Use this setting to get that amazing BOKEH (or blurriness in your background).

If you are using the Manual setting, make sure your aperture is low and this will get you a shallow depth of field. Depending on how much light you have will force you to change your ISO or Shutter Speed. 

The other thing that you have to be aware of is distance. You have to be closer to your subject in order to get Bokeh. The farther your background is from your subject, the better. 

Here is a great video to teach you more about it. 

Bokeh tutorial

F-Stop - the lower number the better. This is dependent on your lens.
Focal Length - using different lenses will get you different bokeh results.
Distance - the closer you are to a subject, the more blurry the background.

Bokeh with your PHONE

I use Camera+. This is a great app for creating bokeh and even getting those macro shots.

If you have Portrait Mode on your iPhone, it's easier to capture that blurry background. Go to your camera, swipe to Portrait Mode, click the object you want in focus and take your shot. The Portrait Mode actually keeps the object in focus and blurs the background for you. Easy Peasy.

Now that most people have Portrait mode on their phones, make sure that you are focusing on the object you want in focus. Otherwise you won't have what you want in focus and what you want blurry, blurry.

Can you see the yellow square just over the plant? 
That's what I wanted in focus with everything else in the background blurry. 

I hope this helped with Bokeh. I am a little obsessed with it! :)

Have a wonderful day!

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