The Meaning of My Business Name

When my Aunt Marion said to me a while ago, "I just figured out what BAK means." I thought I would share with you all the meaning of my business name. 

While a friend of mine was working in my classroom with me I started my business. 
I am a first grade teacher by day. :)
I love my firsties.  If you want to check out my other blog, here's the link:

Anyway, Gail was working in my classroom with me. I couldn't think of a name for my business. I couldn't really think of anything that fit me. She is one of the most creative people.

She started to think about what I liked and things about me. 

She came up with BAK ~ my initials...Beth Ann Kempf and pack because of my teaching. 

So clever. I will never be able to thank her enough. 
Simple and catchy. 

Have a wonderful day!

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